To allow as many families of the parish as possible to schedule Mass intentions, the following guidelines will apply for 2025:
From Nov. 3 to Nov. 29, all Mass Intention requests must be in writing. No requests will be taken over the phone or in-person. Forms can be dropped in the collection basket at Masses or mailed to the parish office.
Beginning Dec. 2, Mass requests may be in writing via the form, on-line via our website, or in-person at the parish office. Requests for Mass intentions will not be taken over the phone.
You may only request one (1) weekend Mass and two (2) weekday Masses per registered household. If more than this is submitted, we will only schedule the first one listed for each slot.
Please limit your intention to two individuals or a family name. If you would like multiple families, please merge your intentions such as “For the Smith and Jones Families”.
Mass requests are filled on a first come, first serve basis. Based on availability, your Mass will be scheduled on your requested date. If your date is not available, you will be contacted by the parish office. Preference will be given to parishioners requesting an intention for their milestone wedding anniversaries (25, 50, 60+). Please let us know as soon as possible if you are requesting one of these.
The stipend for each Mass Intention is $10.00 (cash, checks made payable to Saint Jude Stipend). After Dec. 2, you may also pay for one on our website via credit card. A Mass will not be scheduled until payment is received.
The following days are NOT OPEN for individual intentions since they are offered for the intentions of the parishioners: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. On certain civic holidays, there may be only one Mass celebrated. Depending on the schedule, Mass intentions may need to be rescheduled.
Current Weekend Mass Times: Saturday, 4:00pm (SR); Sunday, 9:00am (SR and SH), 11:00am (SR), and 11:30am (SH)
Current Weekday Mass Times: Mon./Tues./Thurs./Fri., 9:00am (SR) and 12:05pm (SH); Wednesday, 12:05pm (SH), 7:00pm (SR)