April 22nd was the 53rd celebration of Earth Day which was established to support environmental protection, an idea similar to the environmental stewardship taught in Catholic Social Teaching.
"We all have a responsibility to care for creation. The Earth is a gift to us from God, but it is not ours to dispose of as we see fit. Instead, it is loaned to us by God and our descendants. How we treat the goods of the Earth speaks powerfully about our character.” POPE FRANCIS (LAUDATO Si) Encyclical
“When I think about the Catholic Church, I imagine a force for good and change. Catholic social teaching is necessary to our society’s future. When it comes to the obstacles we face to our survival like climate change, nothing provides a moral backbone as well as our faith and its love of creation.” US CATHOLIC (Kathryn Antonelli)
“God our creator, we give you thanks for the wonder of creation which inspires us, the fruit of the Earth which feeds us, the beauty of nature which grounds us, and the joy of hope which gives us hope. Heal the places where your creation has been marred and restore all creatures to the splendor of your glory. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. DIANA MACALINTAL (The Work of Your Hands)
Looking for an opportunity to volunteer and practice environmental stewardship? Contact Tree Pittsburgh at 412-781-8733 or www.treepittsburgh.org. This organization helped us plant two trees on Saint Jude’s campuses.